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Alumni Profiles
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Asian Studies
Environmental Humanities
International Studies
Latin American Studies
Middle East Studies
Peace and Conflict Studies
Religious Studies
World Language and Cultures
Writing and Rhetoric Studies
Rich Ackerman
Communication B.S.
Tyson Amundsen, MD
Latin American Studies B.A.
Ross "Rocky" C. Anderson
Philosophy B.A.
Jeremy Aston
English B.A.
Jai Hamid Bashir
Environmental Humanities M.A.
Lyuba Basin
English B.A.
Kristina Baskett
Communication B.S.
David Bean
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Bonnie Jean Beesley
Linguistics B.A.
Richard Best
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Tiana Birrell
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Kevin J. Bischoff
Communication B.S.
William Bowden
Communication B.S.
Zak Breckenridge
Environmental Humanities M.A.
Dorothy Brockbank
Communication B.S.
Hal Cannon
Linguistics B.A.
Orson Scott Card
English M.A.
Scott Cheney
Philosophy B.S.
Andrew Christiansen
Writing and Rhetoric Studies B.A.
Laura Chukanov
International Studies B.A.
Carl Churchill
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Casey Clifford
Environmental Humanities M.A.
Phillip W. Clinger
History B.S.
Kate Conyers
History B.A.
Mitch Crowley
Communication B.S.
Patricia Dahl
English M.A.
Sancha Dalton
Writing and Rhetoric Studies B.A.
George L. Denton, Jr.
History B.A.
Valoree Dowell
English B.A.
Spencer P. Eccles
History B.A.
Kate Ferebee
English B.A.
Cecelia Foxley
English M.A.
Marlene von Friederichs-Fitzwater
Communication PhD
Sheryl Fullerton
English B.A.
David Gee
Philosophy B.S.
Laura George
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Sim Gill
History B.A.
William Gordon
History B.A.
Natalie Grandy
English B.S.
Elizabeth Grant
History B.A.
Amy Van Prooyen Greenfield
Communication B.A.
Jordan Gross
Communication B.S.
David L. Guevara
Philosophy PhD
Deanne Harper
English B.A.
Ann Weaver Hart
History B.A.
Erin Harvego
Communication B.S.
Dave Henriksen
History B.A.
Dan Hohl
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Cathy Horiuchi
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Maria Houtchens
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Annika Hunt
Communication B.A.
Juel Iverson
English B.A.
Erin Ivie
English B.A.
Steven John
Philosophy B.A.
Jeremiah Johnston
Communication B.S.
Johanna Kemp
World Language and Cultures M.A.
Jane Kinzie
English B.A.
Lexie Kite
Communication PhD
Kevin Knight
International Studies B.A.
Kailey Kornhauser
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Matthew Lalli
English B.A.
Morgan Lawrence
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Sofia Lingos
Communication H.B.A.
Carla V. Lloyd
Communication B.A.
Tim Lyman
Communication B.A.
Margaret Matthews
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Michele Mattsson
English B.A.
Pace Jefferson McConkie
History B.A.
Scott McDonough
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Marianne Lee McDonough
English B.A.
Michael McLane
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Tracy McMillan
Communication B.A.
Nancy Melich
Communication B.S.
Elizabeth Merrill
History B.S.
Kyle Miller
History B.A.
Cliff Miller
Linguistics B.A.
Gregory Miller-Jones
Communication B.A.
Michael Mischler
Communication B.S.
Joel Momberger
Linguistics B.A.
Jane Boyer Moore
Communication B.S.
Gabe Moreno
Communication B.A.
Kelly Murdock
Communication B.A.
Jennifer Napier-Pearce
English B.A.
Mark Neeleman
International Studies B.A.
Robert T. Nilsen
World Language and Cultures B.A.
Michael C. O'Brien
Philosophy B.S.
Mary Jane Onnen
English B.A.
Charles Park
International Studies B.A.
Brad C. Parkin
Communication B.A.
Mark Paul
English B.A.
Sue Pendell
Communication PhD
Cynthia Strike Petrow
World Language and Cultures B.S.
Ronald Eugene Poelman
History B.A.
Alex Porpora
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Deborah Lee Prescott
English M.A.
Ryan Raddon
Communication B.A.
Naomi Marie Raddon
Communication B.A.
Mark Reese
History B.A.
Ruth Renlund
History B.A.
Andrea Romero
Communication B.S.
Kathleen Cates Rose
History B.A.
Eric Ruud
Communication B.S.
LaVonne Garff Rytting
English B.A.
LaUra Schmidt
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Vanessa Seals
English B.A.
James Skedros
Middle East Studies H.B.A.
Hannah Smay
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Gerald Snow
Linguistics B.A.
Frederick C. Sorensen, II
Communication B.S.
Stephen Sovinsky
Linguistics B.A.
Rick Spratling
Communication B.S.
Jack Stauss
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Julie Swaner
Philosophy B.A.
Lori Teranishi
Communication B.S.
Angelina Termunde
Communication B.S.
Emma Lou Thayne
English M.A.
Andrea Thomas
Communication B.A.
Carlos Toledo
Communication B.S.
Randall Tolpinrud
Philosophy B.A.
Reggie Twigg
Communication PhD
Susan VanBeugue
Communication B.A.
Francesca Varela
Environmental Humanities M.A.
Andrew F. Wahlquist
Communication B.S.
Jim Waldo
Linguistics M.A.
Doug Ware
Communication B.A.
Michael Waterman
Communication M.A.
Brent Welch
Communication B.A.
Josh Wennergren
Environmental Humanities M.S.
Nadine Wimmer
Communication B.A.
Kim Wirthlin
English B.A.
Kyle Witherspoon
Communication B.S.
Mark Woodland
Communication M.A.
Penny Allred Wright
English B.A.
Earl Wunderli
Philosophy B.S.
Alumni Profile
Last Updated: 6/14/21